CLICK HERE for Main Sale Details!

Do you have curriculum you'd love to sell before your school year is over? Do that here!
For just a $5 participation fee, you can sell your items at our well-organized and managed sale, and YOU get to keep all your proceeds!  

Details for Sellers:
Drop Off

Bring your curriculum during these available hours:

Thursday, April 3rd, between 10am-3pm


Pick Up

Plan to pick up your remaining curriculum at the end of the sale.  
The sale will end precisely at 2:00pm and will be closed until 3:30pm. (Only volunteers scheduled for shifts at that time will be allowed in the area while volunteers pull and sort curriculum by seller number.)

Sellers must pick up money and remaining items on Saturday, between 3:30 and 4:30pm. (If you cannot make it, send a friend!)  
Items not picked up by 4:30pm will be donated.



Sellers will be allowed to shop the following days/times, 
around your volunteer/work time:

Friday, July 19th - 8-9am

Volunteer Time

We require 1 hour of volunteer time when you drop off your curriculum, primarily in order to set your own materials out in the subject section in which they belong for the sale.

We also require 2 hours volunteer time on one of our Sale Days.  Sign up for a shift below. (Those who sign up for a volunteer shift get first choice of the time slots, but we do ask that you be mindful that some of our sellers come from a distance. If you live NEAR the sale location, and it is easier for you to go back and forth multiple times, please try to pick a time slot that is NOT nearer to one of the drop-off or pickup times.)


We know that some sellers simply can NOT volunteer their time to the sale. If this applies to you, you can still participate, but we will require a $20 fee so that we may pay additional volunteers for the 2 hours that you would have normally been there.  
*If you sign up to volunteer, but do not fulfill the shift that you have selected, you will be charged this fee at seller checkout.*

If you plan to pay instead of volunteer, 
please let us know up front, and send 
your fee along with your Participation Fee.  
(Payment info to the right.)  

Sign Up Here

There are three steps to signing up as a seller for this sale:

1.  Fill out this form:

2.  Send your Participation Fee (and/or Volunteer Fee) to this  digital payment options USING THE NO-FEE "SEND TO FRIEND/FAMILY" OPTION.  If a fee is taken out of your payment due to not selecting the no-fee option, you will be required to send an additional payment to cover the difference.

Paypal:  @cahcurriculumsale
(Paypal is our only option at this time.
If you do not have a Paypal account, please email us.)

3.  One of our organizers will contact you to confirm your volunteer shift  (if you have not paid the Volunteer Fee).

We are asked often if children can come with sellers when they volunteer.  So here is our policy:

*Babies that are being worn in a carrier on your person are always allowed. 
*Older children (age 14+) may sign up as volunteers and help work the sale in various ways.
*Otherwise, please arrange childcare for your children during your volunteer time for the sale.

This sale is quite large, space is limited, and we consider your children's safety in these policies. Thank you for your understanding and adherence to them!
How to label your items:

We have simplified our processes over the years, 
and this time, it is the MOST simplified!

Items should be labeled with these pieces of information, 
and in the manner shown on the photo (below) on 
***PLEASE DO NOT USE TINY ENVELOPES. They are more easily misplaced.***

(This is SO important, if you want to get your money from the sale!  
Every year, we have multiple envelopes with NO seller number, 
and we cannot get that money to its rightful seller!  It is BEST to 
mark it with a NUMBER SIGN, like this:  #148)

(Optional: additional details, such as grade level, etc.)

(This should be marked with a $ sign, so that we know it is the price.
And all items should be priced at least $1.00 with solid dollar amounts (no cents).  
So, $2.00, $4.00, and $6.00 is okay, but NOT $2.50, $4.75, or $0.50 items.)

***Change from our last summer sale:  
Please DO NOT include your own Paypal or Venmo information or 
QR code on your envelopes or index cards.  If it is already on there, please mark a line through it with a sharpie.  
We will be taking in payments differently so that customers do not have to do individual digital payments.


Got any questions?  Email us at!

Want to be a SHOPPER, too?  Click HERE.